Monday, August 31, 2009

20+ Years Later

I love photography projects that deal with re-visiting the exact same content years later. Peter Feldstein took photos of every resident ( 676 ) of his small Iowa town of Oxford. Now 20+ years later he's taken a follow-up photograph and had them reflect on camera about the years between the two photos. Of the 676 residents, there are bound to be some real wacky characters, interesting interviews and photos. I'll have to try and track down the book. More

"Hundreds of Oxford residents come to life in these pages. Time leaps back and forth, instantly elapsing twenty years. Meet, among others, the donut baker who went from having to be weighed on a livestock scale to losing over 150 pounds with the encouragement of the entire town; the Pentecostal minister who gave up buck-skinning to found his own church and now awaits the rapture in 2028; the World War II veteran who survived the Battle of the Bulge, but still suffers terribly from post-traumatic stress disorder; his son, a recipient of the Purple Heart for his service in Vietnam, who shares his father's affliction." -the book

link via:cpluv

1 comment:

stern mister serious said...

That looks way interesting. Worth looking up. I guess it's human nature to enjoy something that covers the gamut of emotions.

A congregation of perverts, eh?